Link Parameters
Using external parameters, animations can be set up.
There are currently 7 types of parameters available for animations:
- Sliders
- Angles
- Points
- 3D Points
- Checkboxes
- Colors
- Layers
And each group of parameters has 10 controllers for manipulation.
void main(){
outColor = vec4(uv, slider[0], 1.0);
For instance, changing slider 0 will alter the color in the preview window.
In PixelsWorld, parameters are declared as follows:
uniform float slider[10];
uniform float angle[10];
uniform bool checkbox[10];
uniform vec2 point[10];
uniform vec3 point3d[10];
uniform vec4 color[10];
uniform sampler2D layer[10];
uniform sampler2D inLayer;
- "inLayer" represents the input layer.
- sampler2D is a variable type provided by GLSL; you don't need to understand this type. If you want to know about layer parameters, please refer to "getColor".
- "uniform" denotes a global variable.