Advanced Settings

This section introduces the advanced options settings available in the effects panel.

Wrap U/V Sampler

This parameter affects the result of getColor() when the sampled pixels exceed the image boundaries.

Test Code (Apply on material using PixelsWorld):


void main() {
    outColor = getColor(uv*10);

Magnify/Minify Sampler

This parameter affects the behavior of getColor() when the sampler performs interpolated sampling around neighboring pixels.

Test Code (Apply on material using PixelsWorld):


void main() {
    outColor = getColor(uv*0.1);

If you want to achieve a similar pixel style effect, set this option to Nearest pixel.


Allows you to specify the color-picking method when the texture is minimized.


void main() {
    outColor = getColor(uv*10);

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