Preset Management

Saving Presets

In the World Law Editor, you can save a preset by clicking the Save as preset button and entering a name.

Note: If you use a preset name that already exists in the list, it will be overwritten.

Overwriting Presets

In the World Law Editor, you can overwrite an existing preset by clicking the Save as preset button and entering the name of a preset that already exists in the list.


  • This action is irreversible, please make sure to back up.
  • Preset names in different preset categories do not interfere with each other.

Renaming Presets

Double-click on the preset in the list that you want to rename, and enter a name other than REMOVE or SORT in the input field.

Sorting the Preset List

Double-click on any preset in the list and enter SORT in the input field.

Deleting Presets

Double-click the preset you wish to delete in the list and enter REMOVE in the input field.

Adding Preset Categories

Click the Add button next to the drop-down list in the Preset list panel to add a new preset category.


  • You cannot use an existing category name for a new category.
  • Adding a category is equivalent to creating a preset file alongside the plugin. If creation fails or the preset file disappears the second time you open After Effects, please enable administrator mode for After Effects to allow Pixel World to read/write on your disk.

Preset Format/Preset File

  • Presets are stored in JSON format with UTF-8 (little-endian) encoding.
  • Preset files are stored in plain text; we do not encrypt presets in any way.
  • Preset files can be modified using third-party JSON editing tools, but there is a risk of damaging the preset structure, which is not recommended.

Preset Submission

If you are willing to publicly share your presets through official channels, you are welcome to submit your presets to the email:

We will periodically compile received presets and publicly list submitters' names in the plugin's About section.

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