Description :
- Return the pixel data in specific position
Parameters :
- pw.getPixel(x,y)
- pw.getPixel(layerId,x,y)
- x,y should be integers.
- layerId should be an integer, -1 means the input layer, -2 means the output layer, 0~9 means the layer parameter.
Return :
- Alpha, Red, Green, Blue. All are floats in range 0~1. (No clamp)
Sample code :
- Here is a sample code that calculates the average value of A,R,G,B channels.
local sumA, sumR,sumG,sumB
sumA = 0
sumR = 0
sumG = 0
sumB = 0
local A,R,G,B
local total = width * height
for y=0,height do
for x=0,width do
A,R,G,B = pw.getColor(x,y)
sumA = sumA + A
sumR = sumR + R
sumG = sumG + G
sumB = sumB + B
end"Average alpha value is : " .. (sumA/total) .."\nAverage red value is : " .. (sumR/total).."\nAverage green value is : " .. (sumG/total).."\nAverage blue value is : " .. (sumB/total))