How to get/use it?
Download and install
You can purchase and download the PixelsWorld here.
Drag the "MiLai" folder to :
(Your Ae root path)/Support Files/Plug-ins/
Make sure the plugin could be found in :
(Your Ae root path)/Support Files/Plug-ins/MiLai/PixelsWorld.aex
Try it
- Open your Adobe After Effects.
- Press "Ctrl + N"(or "Command + N") to add a scene.
- Add a solid layer to your scene.
- Select the layer you inserted.
- Right button => Effect => MiLai => PixelsWrold
- Press "Edit" to change the "World rule".
- Open the popup menu right side.
- Select "GLSL - Advanced"
- Select an interesting effect.
- Press "Ok".