Render GLSL code with PixelsWorld

In this chapter, we will have a quick look at how to let PixelsWorld run GLSL code for us.

But what is GLSL?

GLSL is abbreviation of OpenGL Shader Language, it is a GPU based render language powered by OpenGL. The main idea of GLSL is that you write the rules of how pixels render themselves, then the GPU can hire lots of "workers" to do the calculation for you.

If you want to learn more about the grammar of GLSL, we recommand you having a look at Find some interesting but simple effects and figure out why this works.

Message for VETERAN :

PixelsWorld V1.0 uses #version 330 core.

  • Only the Fragment shader you need to write in PixelsWorld.
  • PixelsWorld will combine some extra code before your code to link with After Effects platform. We list the code here for your reference.


#version 330 core
#define platform 0 // If you are on windows platform
#define platform 1 // If you are on mac platform
#define platform -1 // If you are on unknown platform
#define host 0 // If you are on Ae host 
#define gl_Position uv2xy(uv)
#define gl_FragCoord uv2xy(uv)
#define gl_FragColor outColor
out vec4 outColor;
in vec2 uv;
uniform float slider[10];
uniform float angle[10];
uniform bool checkbox[10];
uniform vec2 point[10];
uniform vec3 point3d[10];
uniform vec4 color[10];
uniform sampler2D layer[10];
uniform vec2 layerResolution[10];
uniform sampler2D inLayer;
uniform sampler2D outLayer;
uniform float time;
uniform float fps;
uniform float width;
uniform float height;
uniform vec2 origin;
uniform vec2 resolution;

vec4 getColor(int layerId,vec2 coord)
    if(layerId==INPUT_LAYER_INDEX) return texture2D(inLayer,coord);
    if(layerId==OUTPUT_LAYER_INDEX) return texture2D(outLayer,coord);
    else if(layerId>=0 && layerId<=9) return texture2D(layer[layerId],coord);
    return vec4(0.0);

vec4 getColor(vec2 coord)
    return texture2D(inLayer,coord);

vec2 uv2xy(vec2 myuv){
    return myuv*resolution;

vec2 xy2uv(vec2 myxy){
    return myxy/resolution;

// Your glsl code will show up here.

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